Now that's a tasty burger.
I would like to start by thanking Mr. Jackson for the title used this time around.
We had a lovely dinner last night at the Diner, you know the one on the corner of 224 and South Ave. needless to say I had a burger. This is the second burger I have had from this joint, and have decided that theirs is the best. Their burgers are so juicy and flavorful, especially the one I had last night. Just imagine with me the tasty morsel that was before my eyes. First was the bottom bun resting peacefully on the plate. Then place a wonderful specimen of cowful bliss. Now top the cow with the following.
1. Cheddar cheese
2. Sauted onions & green peppers
3. Jalapeno flavored bacon
4. Chipolte (sorry Kim) mayonnaise
5. The wonderful topper bun
Now that was a tasty burger! I do apologize to you all if I have made your desire for a burger increase ten fold, but hey I don't care because I've already had mine. Good luck in your search for the perfect cow.
"I don't care what you smell!" - Han Solo (Said to Chewie before entering the garbage chute)